Baby Dedication

Congratulations on the decision to dedicate your child back to God!

As parents, dedicating your child back to the Lord, you demonstrate your personal faith and trust in the Lord Jesus Christ. You demonstrate the desire to see God’s will carried out in the life of your child. And you are acknowledging your role as a steward with the reality in mind that your child belongs to God.

It is a common misnomer for people to confuse Christening with a Baby Dedication. In the Christian church, baby dedications are performed. Christenings are a practice of the Catholic church that involves the blessing of a child by the priest and in times past also meant that the name of the child was not determined until after the Christening.

Dedication means that by word and example, parents promise to teach their children to live a holy life that when they are older they have been brought in the way that they will through the lifelong guidance of their parents and the Holy Spirit make a decision for Jesus Christ on their own.

This means that the Baby Dedication is more about the parents than the child. If the parents do not raise their children in a Godly home, teach them to practice Godly principles, and have them involved in a Bible-believing, Bible-teaching church; the dedication means absolutely nothing. It is symbolic in nature of a commitment and continued act of the parents until the children are of age to accept Jesus of their own volition at God’s ordained time.

This means that parents must soberly dedicate their children and see this as a very serious commitment to God and their children. For parents to dedicate their children this means:

1. At least one parent is a Christian as Christian dedications are for those who have already placed their faith and trust in Jesus Christ.

2. Are you serious about ensuring your children are raised according to the word of God and in the fellowship of the saints at the local church and being the overseer of their Christian development?

If you have answered in the affirmative to all of these then you are ready to dedicate your child! If not, take some time to ensure you can answer yes to all three questions PRIOR to dedicating your child.

Baby dedications are NOT baptisms.

– Baptism is the public expression of faith and discipleship after the profession of Jesus Christ which leads to conversion.
– As has been stated, once a child is of age to make a decision for Jesus then they are baptized.


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